Booking Free Lesson Trials (Dunbar) Lesson trials allow you to try any available free or paid class lessons. Book Trial Dunbar Free Lesson Trials (Leith) Lesson trials allow you to try any available free or paid class lessons. Book Trial Leith Register / Book If you have already attended a trial class you can now join our class manager online system. Once you have entered your details and the student's details you can then add them into their preferred class/classes. Register Birthday Parties Dance Discovery offer dance birthday parties at our purpose built dance studio at Dunbar or any venue closer to you.Our Birthday Parties are a huge success and include Party Invitations, Certificates for everyone who takes part, Disco Lights and Glow sticks, Party Dances and Games, along with learning a choreographed routine. More Info Holiday Camps We run camps on all school holidays in both of our locations, Leith and Dunbar. Upcoming Camps